Power Supply Calculator PSU Calculator


Without miners, there would be no one to update Bitcoin’s ledger, which is known as the blockchain. The more miners you have, the more decentralized and secure the network is. Due to miners’ crucial role in the network, an incentive system was designed so that miners will be compensated for providing their services. Enter additional optional information, such as pool fees, electricity costs, etc. The more information you enter, the more accurate the result will be.

Make sure to take these into account and add them into the “hardware cost” section of the calculator. While mining today is very competitive, it’s possible to run a successful and profitable mining operation. Let’s outline the many factors that will determine whether or not your mining operation will be profitable.

Estimated Mining Revenue

The https://www.beaxy.com/s are based on the assumption that all conditions remain as they are below and does NOT take into consideration the uncle block rewards. The exchange rates and revenue and profit projections produced on this site are for educational purposes only. They are not guaranteed to be accurate, and are subject to change without notice. Assuming you’re using the Antminer S17 on June 2019 it would take 531 days to mine a full Bitcoin with the Antminer S17. However this calculation might be outdated when you read this as Bitcoin’s difficulty changes every two weeks. It’s best to run a new calculation before starting to mine with updated stats.

Is Bitcoin Mining Profitable? – Money

Is Bitcoin Mining Profitable?.

Posted: Fri, 18 Nov 2022 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Using below table, you can check how profitable it is to mine selected altcoins in comparison to ethereum classic. Please note that calculations are based on mean values, therefore your final results may vary. For best results fill all fields with your hash rate and power consumption. China’s cheap electricity is one of the reasons why nearly 60% of Bitcoin’s network hashing power is located there.

Mining Difficulty Charts

View the current Bitcoin mining hashrate for the entire mining network along with historical hashrate changes, real-time mining stats, and charts. If the miner stakes 100x more than the average commitment per TiB, then his effective capacity is multiplied by a factor of 8. This means his chance to mine blocks is 8 times higher and therefore his mining income is increased. If a miner has no Signa staked on his account for commitment, only 1/8 of his actual capacity will be effective — reducing the chances of mining blocks and therefore reducing mining income.

A gold underground mine in Brazil with 2 million tonnes of annual production, revenues of $195 million USD, and a gross profit of $85 million USD. A gold surface mine in Argentina with 25 million tonnes of annual production, revenues of $530 million USD, and a gross profit of $170 million USD. Additionally, miners in cold areas also have an advantage because they may not need to use extra fans to cool the hardware. For each disk, use the corresponding slider to select the amount of space you want to use. Now go to the MINING tab to prepare your disks for mining .

The starting difficulty is taken to be the current difficulty. The USD exchange rate is taken to be the daily volume-weighted average exchange rate reported by Bitstamp. These values are updated periodically throughout the day.


The number of days until the first difficulty adjustment is taken to be the ETA estimate provided byblockexplorer.com. Subsequent increases are assumed to occur regularly according to the specified interval. Since difficulty changes occur every 2016 blocks, the interval in days you choose for difficulty adjustments implies a rate at which new blocks are solved. The reward for solving blocks (e.g., 25 BTC) is adjusted over the time horizon according to the Bitcoin protocol. OuterVision Power Supply Calculator is the most accurate PC power consumption calculator available and is trusted by computer enthusiasts, PC hardware and power supply manufacturers across the Globe.

In the United States, for example, most mining hardware is run in Washington State, where power costs are relatively cheap thanks to hydroelectricity. Venezuela’s crisis and the cheap electricity resulting from it have made Bitcoin mining extremely profitable there. All calculations assume that mining begins immediately. The current block number is taken to be length of the current longest blockchain as given .

block reward

Are you building a modern gaming PC, low power HTPC media server, or maybe you need to figure out power requirements for a rack in a data center? We’ve got you covered – OuterVision PSU Calculator will help you to select a suitable power supply unit and even Uninterruptible Power Supply for your system. This calculator uses the current network difficulty and default pool fees to estimate mining revenue. It should be used as a reference only, as actual revenue may differ.

The default difficulty growth rate is taken to be 5%, which was approximately the average two-week difficulty increase between February 2016 and August 2017. The hashrate, cost, and power consumption of the hardware are taken to be those of an AntMiner S9 ASIC miner (13.5 Th/s, $1,987.95, 1,300 W). Statistics about the bitcoin network (difficulty, block count, etc.) are obtained from blockexplorer.com. To conclude, a Bitcoin mining calculator ETH can give you a much better idea about your potential to run a profitable mining operation.

Analyze Bitcoin mining profitability and BTC mining rewards using inituitive visuals and comprehensive charts. The price in btc automatically selected comes from the exchange with the most volume added on CoinToMine. A bad pool configuration or a 51% attack can create a huge amount of orphan block that will reduce your actual earned mining reward.

This is the only mining calculator app that incorporated the information from the most popular mining pools and gives an overall look at the profitability of your rigs. Think of WhereToMine as a mining calculator on steroids. Bitcoin is a digital, cryptographic, peer-to-peer currency. You have to take into account additional mining expenses or missing expenses that weren’t entered into the calculator. (e.g. the cost of your mining hardware or the electricity it takes to run it and cool it down if necessary).

  • Calculate your monthly revenue and profit/loss, cumulative profit/loss, and operational cash flow with customized inputs and graphs to visualize the output with our Mining Insights tools.
  • The up-front cost of mining hardware is usually the largest expense for any new mining operation.
  • Signum makes it possible to send trustless, peer-to-peer transactions quickly, efficiently, and securely.
  • If the miner has exactly the average commitment per TiB of capacity, the multiplying factor is 1 and their income will already be much higher than those without any stake.
  • The exchange rates and revenue and profit projections produced on this site are for educational purposes only.

If the heat generated by miners will partly replace your normal heating costs, it can be another way to save money and improve your chances of profitability. Miners also generate heat and need to be supplied with electricity. Unless you already have the needed parts, you will likely need to purchase cooling fans and power supplies.


Once you’ve mined a calculator mining, you are now in possession of bitcoin. It has been extracted and is now set to be put into circulation on the blockchain. To do this, you must first move it to a digital wallet. When you see the rooms full of miners and what not, this is all part of a largescale or industrial operation where they are mining several BTC per day. This means, you may calculate your profitability today with a Bitcoin price of X and experience a price drop to Y a day afterward that will significantly affect your profitability. In short, be prepared for price movements and understand that Bitcoin’s price is a factor that you cannot control.

Somecalculator minings it’s possible to sell used miners for a really good price too, perhaps even higher than what you bought them for or at least close to it if demand for equipment is really high! This depends on the market of course but it’s something you should investigate, depending on whether you can access only local or international resale markets . In order to keep Bitcoin’s inflation in check, as more miners join the network the difficulty is raised i.e. it gets harder to mine. Hash power alone is not enough to determine the quality of a miner.